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Sponsor A Contestant!


Each contestant is required to secure a

Pageant Sponsor.  


The SPONSOR FEE is $300. 



The sponsor fee covers the cost of cash scholarships, trophies, other awards, and other pageant costs. Sponsors are often local businesses, clubs, churches, families and individuals. For the tax-deductible sponsor fee, the sponsor receives acknowledgment in a ½ page advertisement that appears under his/her contestant’s photo in the program brochure which will be digital and printed (in limited quantities), acknowledgement from the stage pageant night, on the pageant website and in social media and two tickets to the pageant!


The Sponsor Fee is Tax Deductible

Federal Tax ID


The Sponsor's Advertisement


Sponsor A Contestant

Please Submit Sponsor Ad by December 16, 2023 to

After selecting the SUBMIT button, you will be taken to the Sponsor Payment Page.

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